Communicators -- or so-called communicators -- are in abundance these days. However, in reality many of these self-professed titles exceed the capabilities of those who possess them. For example, today I received an email from a PR firm wishing me a "Happy New Years!" This made me wonder about the term, and its proper use.
Maybe the wish of "Happy New Years" is colloquial to certain boroughs of the northeast or small West Texas towns. However, it does not show up as a formal or proper use of the term anywhere I can find. There are New Year's resolutions, a New Year's Eve, but I cannot seem to find Happy New Years anywhere but in the context of confusion or error. However, I am open to the coaching, if someone can steer me in a different direction.
In fact, the correct term is "Happy New Year." The year 2011 is a single year, and the salutation covers a 12-month period. As a result, to wish someone a "Happy New Years," reflects poor grammar. Any professional in the communication field begins the New Year making a bad impression when he marginalizes what should be a foundational strength of the profession.
It's a New Year. May 2011 be the year you pursue using good grammar and writing with clarity. I am up for the challenge. Are you?